In a historic move rife with significant ramifications for the future of mixed martial arts, the sanctioning of MMA by the newly formed Massachusetts State Athletic Commission was signed into law today. In recent years, the UFC has spent vast amounts of money in the state in an extensive lobbying effort and today is the day that it all paid off. Clearing this hurdle means the UFC and other MMA promotions are now free to organize events in any Massachusetts city including Boston, a historic fight town that is home to Boston Gardens and the legendary Fenway Park.
A native Bostonian, UFC President Dana White has previously expressed interest in both venues, but, as his twitter account makes clear, he still has a couple other sanctioning coups on his mind,
Gov Deval Patrick just signed the MMA bill in Mass!!! I am so excited words can not describe! Here we come Boston!! NY is next!!...Think about where we started. One state to go then Ontario!!!It's a bit concerning that he didn't mention British Columbia while he was at it, but maybe that's because he already considers it a done deal.
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